Fitness Column 17 - Christmas Festivities

Wow, what a year! Surely, I’m not the only one wondering where the time has gone!

The festive season is a great time for all those that celebrate it. It is a time to see all of the family you haven’t seen all year, feasting on delicious food and of course the presents!

We all tend to let our diets take a back seat in December; whether you’re out with your work colleagues at the Christmas party, braving the shops or being held hostage by the sofa, there is usually a convenient/unhealthy ‘cheat’ meal on the menu (I am definitely guilty of this when the cold weather hits!)

If you’re one of those people that enjoys a good feast but regrets it after, here’s a few pointers in keeping those pesky thoughts at bay:

Drink a pint… Of water every morning. This helps kick start your metabolism and keeps your chance of dehydration to a minimum.

Keep all of your sweet treats and unhealthy snacks in one room and preferably different to the one you’ll be sitting in most! When the sweet treats are readily available and at arms length we tend to eat a lot more than what our brain registers, especially when watching those Christmas films whilst snuggled up under our blankets!

Try and be active for 15-30 mins each day. Even if it’s playing with the kids at the park, getting a quick HIIT session in or, where possible, swap your car for a bicycle for your commute to work in the mornings. It’ll all help and keep your ticker working to shift those unnecessary calories!

Be good, stay safe and I hope you get spoiled! See you in the New Year – Rich.