Tiger Fitness

Your Coach

Your Coach

Hello! I'm Rich and welcome to TigerFitnessClub!

I'm the owner of Tiger Fitness and The Functional Fitness Suite, based in Thetford, Norfolk. I'm a qualified PT, Head Coach, and Retained Firefighter who has always had a firm interest in keeping fit and healthy!

Over the years I've trained for strength, putting muscle mass on through weight training programmes, for endurance and for hypertrophy and now I like to think of myself as a bit of a hybrid of all those ways of training and happily share my knowledge with others to aid in their goals! I'm the main class instructor at The Suite where we hold many different classes, all suited for any fitness levels. Each class is floor coached so you're motivated to do more and train safely to be able to do movements to the best of your ability!

The Suite is a bespoke fitness facility which can be hired privately by the hour. Whether you're looking to train someone or yourself, its ideal for privacy and building confidence without the intimidation of the 'gym' environment.

If getting fitter, losing body fat, gaining muscle, becoming more alert, happier and healthier is part of your agenda, then check out the rest of the site and get in touch! Rich

Richard Taylor

Owner, Personal Trainer, Head Coach

"A comfort zone is a beautiful place, but nothing ever grows there."

The comfort zone